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My understanding of composition has changed because before I examined my three artifacts I thought that composing meant to create songs. I now understand that you can compose anything, whether it be art, stories, essays, pictures, anything. As long as you created it you have composed something and you are now a composer, I have realized that artifacts can be sorted into many categories and your interpretation of it does not have to be the same as anyone else’s because it is what you make of it. I noticed my composing process shifted only slightly between my artifacts because I still cared deeply about what I was writing and I wanted to make sure that I have put my best writing into the paper so that my message is conveyed clearly. My composing process shifts from academic and professional to personal because I know that as a composer my thoughts and feelings are not required nor needed in a professional or academic artifact, whereas in a personal artifact I am free to put all of my feelings and thoughts into what I am composing. In my personal artifacts I want for whoever is reading or analyzing my artifact to feel what I felt when I composed the artifact, I also want the person to know my thoughts on the artifact. I feel that the person analyzing the artifact should understand what I feel so I compose and plan differently with a personal artifact than I would with a professional or academic artifact. Someone who analyzed my artifact could infer that as a composer I truly take my time to analyze what is being asked of me and I ensure that the reader truly understands the purpose that my work serves at the time,  as a composer I am a stronger writer than anything, I may not be able to write poems or draw but I truly take my time in regards to writing essays and if I had to compose anymore work it would be essays. I as a composer plan out carefully what I am going to write to ensure that the reader is fully aware and comprehending what I am writing. I would describe myself as a moderate writer, a writer who still does not fully understand her potential but is working hard to know what her potential is. A writer who is interested in growing more as the semester progresses to become a strong writer. I would describe myself as a writer who is not afraid to be vulnerable to her readers because she knows that showing vulnerability to her readers will help them better connect to her as a person not just as a writer. I would like to learn everything there is to learn about composing, as a writer you can never learn too much and there is always room to improve and grow as a writer. I would like to learn more about how to find myself in writing, I feel as though writing can help me discover myself more and learning the steps I would have to take is what I look forward to as I begin this composing journey. I still want to learn how to find my strengths in writing, I may be better at writing more pieces of work than I anticipated, I also want to find the weaknesses I have in writing so I can work on improving it. Lastly, I would like to learn new writing techniques, writing in the same styles constantly can be repetitive and boring but learning new techniques will help capture an audience and may help my passion for writing grow more.

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